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Monday, September 24, 2012

On the eve of my departure...

I sit here listening to the most British music I own. It's not on purpose.

I promised this post a little while back.

It's going to be a good year. I'm sure of this yet I'm also very aware of how stressed I feel right now. That's because I am almost-but-not-quite packed (two full suitcases, yes) and I've spent most of the day fixing my laptop and not chilling out at all. (If you spot any Ks where there should be Ls, it's because of a computer malfunction and I give my deepest apologies. My keyboard stopped working and I have had to relocate my L key to where the hash key used to be and I am not yet used to it. It's funny how many Ls there are in words when you have no L key.)

So why is it going to be good? I feel very much like it's a year which may be the making of me. I asked a few people what they thought might change about me by the time I return. There were many mentions of confidence, and of course language skills, with which I have to agree. I'll have so much freedom, it will be like being a real adult. Somebody also told me they thought I'd come back sounding posher than I already do. That must have been a Midland friend, no Exeter person would ever tell me such a thing. They may be right, who knows.

However I am definitely going to be making some language improvements around here. French, I mean. I only learnt how to set up energy and Internet suppliers in English last year, but come this week I'll be doing it in French. Once I've opened that bank account as well...

I personally think I will become much more adaptable. I am so keen on being organised that I find changing my plans at the last minute so immensely difficult, but that's going to have to change when I'm working in classrooms, trying to meet friends and travel across Europe.

Whilst I'm on that subject, friends and Europe are the two things I am absolutely desperately looking forward to. I have such a strong desire to meet anyone and everyone right now that this year could not have come at a better time. French, British, and anyone else that happens to be around, I can't wait. And as I've said before, it seems so easy to travel once you're "on the continent". (I know this because of that organised thing - I've looked it up!) I've already got head-plans for Spain, Italy and Sweden. Oh and Switzerland, Germany, Denmark...

Even though I'm finally looking forward to this year, I know it's not going to be easy. I'll be stocking up on the British junk food between here and St. Pancras International, for a start. Hopefully some of that will make it into French territory... I'm aware of my friends staying in Britain, and I know that if I (or they) stop to think about it, it will be pretty weird for me to be away from them speaking a different language every day and doing things differently just about all of the time. I'm prepared for the homesickness, but because I've had it so much before I know that I can cope with it, especially now I've packed as much of my beloved British BBC TV into the DVD wallet as possible...

So, after all of that... A bientôt, Britain.

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