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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

In which I create a new theme.

In trying to establish how best to document my year abroad, I've clearly taken up this blog again, and a bit more regularly. But also I decided to make some videos from time to time. I'll be referring to the theme as "Confessions of a Year Abroader". I'm no professional, I don't aim to be (although please change the quality from lowest to highest - for some reason my camera decided to ignore HD-quality this time round) but sometimes it's easier to talk than to type. Today I have the first, although it isn't really year-abroad related, more just confession-y and a bit rambly. I think a lot, in case you hadn't already guessed.
Lately I started to clear out my room. It's been on my list of things to do all summer, but hey, at least I'm getting around to it. Yes, whilst the first few of my fellow linguists are beginning to explore life in foreign lands, I'm cleaning out my bedroom... Living the high life.

However, lots of my books had been on the floor for too long, and the DVDs don't really have the right to a shelf over the books in a bookcase. One late night or early morning, I began to rectify it and I organised the whole thing (alphabetical order by surname, unless it's oversized... Don't judge me.) But ah, now, what about these DVDs? All one hundred of them, plus twelve box-sets. Damn. And now you mention it, what about all these CDs up the corner, and unwanted books meaning to be taken to a charity shop too? The current state of play is that everything is all over my floor, and has been for over twenty-four hours now. I don't like it, I'm an organised person.

But it did get me thinking, and I'll let the video version of myself do most of the talking. But once you've watched that, if indeed you bother, then I'd just like to add the following: I don't hate my past, by any means. Thank you to everyone in it, clichéd or not. But the nostalgia of a room clear-out does get the cogs whirring (slowly, at least) and I sort of re-evaluated myself and reassured myself that I do believe I'm on the right path into the unknown, the abyss if you like. I'm not good at removing things from my life, material or otherwise, but if it's not adding any value to your life or anyone else's any more, then appreciate it and move on because what's the point?

If you stuck with me until the end, then thank you. Here ends my philosophising. (For today..!)

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