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Saturday, April 20, 2013


If you have been reading this blog at all over the last few months, you will know I have had a love-hate relationship with France. My stay there is now over and, as with any ending, I like to reflect.

There are things about France I surely am pleased to leave behind. Living in Bolbec without a car for escape is one of them. Nor will my heart ache for the bureaucracy - after seven months I still haven't been fully subscribed to social security, or received my Carte Vitale. I am perfectly happy to say au revoir to French people who do not want to make an effort to understand me when I am struggling my way through a unforeseen conversation about a topic I had never previously considered in English, let alone French - I'm not a native, apologies if I do not know the French for "supercollider". Actually no, no apologies. Equally, I am not going to miss the people who can't even put themselves out there to try to understand me because I made a tiny mistake in pronunciation. And I'm definitely not going to miss the expensive energy prices for my flat when I spent months huddled under blankets, not receiving the benefit for what I spent. I won't miss being away and unable to get home for friends' birthdays. Et en plus, Paris, je ne t'aime pas.

I will miss the community of assistants. A few of us in a certain area got into the habit of overcoming our transport difficulties to see each other as much as we could, and became much more resourceful and adaptable because of it. But probably more importantly, we made friends. Lauren and I quite possibly have a Bolbec bond for life even if we do literally come from opposite sides of the globe, and I feel able share almost anything with Tatiana - and what I can't I don't feel able to share with anyone. I will miss our evenings as a group spent discussing anything and everything, laughing and eating and - as far as I could tell - not being judged. I will miss the encouragement to go and see something new just because somebody else wanted to go, when I probably wouldn't have been bothered alone.

I will miss a lifestyle of wandering in and out of my own flat whenever it suited me. Sure sometimes boredom from solitude set in, but it is great to have your own place, and live how you want to live. Although I suspect there is more of this to come in my future, so it is perhaps not as terrible as all that.

I will miss certain foods. I was most disappointed to have discovered a great new cheese just days before the holidays - and now I cannot remember the name, but I could find it for you on the shelf in the supermarket. I will miss the habits of going into Carrefour and knowing where everything I wanted was, and never having to go back there again. I dislike immensely the thought of another assistant replacing me next year where I had fitted in, and I don't want them to replace the decorations and students' work I put up to brighten up one of my classrooms. I will miss the opportunity to speak French whenever I wanted, although it is great to be always understood and to understand. I guess it is the habits you get into that I will miss.

But I will miss my French friends. On my penultimate night in Bolbec, the teachers at my principal school had organised a drinks party, for which I was prepared, and a meal out, for which I was not. Fifteen teachers and members of staff signed up to come out to say goodbye and many more signed my goodbye card. I would never have believed fifteen people would want to go anywhere for me like that. They had collected money, and put time into considering what presents to buy me, and had finally bought me a new watch (because mine had been lost at gym class), a new purse (as mine was falling to pieces) and a new memory stick with a keychain (because I had been constantly losing one of three all year round). There was leftover money to give me because more people had contributed at the last minute. People wanted my email address and I have had to promise to countless people to keep in touch. I don't believe I have ever felt so appreciated.

I hate that this is our only photo
because I look terrible.
Most of all, I will miss my professeur référent. She is an absolute gem, and now, I can say, a friend, one that will not be losing me in a hurry (and make no rude comments, because she doesn't mind that!). And that, although my university probably would point to my language skills, I think is the main point of my French experience. People enrich your life, and it is essential to hold on to the ones you like and learn from.

1 comment:

  1. AHH, so bittersweet! Thank for sharing and for always talking. I'm going to miss you and France! Writing this from a plane en route.
