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Thursday, August 25, 2011

"If you're not going at maximum speed, then you're not going at all."

As a result of the travelling I have undertaken around the United Kingdom and Spain in the past year or eighteen months, I have come to some conclusions about the manner in which people, in general, commute, particularly in London and other efficiently-run cities and countries.

I tend to travel with one, small, cabin-sized suitcase, and have developed a particular style in which to walk with it, especially when concerning tubes, Underground stations, escalators, travelators and, perhaps most frustratingly, other people. You see, there is a way in which one should conduct oneself when you have luggage, and it is a way that only a few people appear to have mastered.

Let's Kill Hitler - a[nother] spoiler-free review

Steven Moffat, without doubt on my part, has once again written a blinder.

Yes, I was one of the lucky few members of the public – thanks to a thoughtful person on Twitter – to bag myself a ticket to the BFI press screening on the 15th August (so rather late on the bandwagon with this preview!) and there was no way I could bring myself to confine my experience to myself and a few of my rather over-excited friends. Rather than rush to the internet with this, I’ve taken my time over it to remember as much as I can, and to give you something new to read in the final few days' wait before Saturday. That, and I’ve been working and literally travelling the length of the country (from London to Newcastle and back to Wolverhampton)!


British trains are what I might call daft.

If you are not British, or are British but poor at geography, I refer you at this point to a map of the United Kingdom.


This blog will tend to feature developments of thoughts I carry around in the world, which are numerous and varied, and possibly quite bizarre.

I’ll update as frequently as I can, which will hopefully be very often, if not daily, and if this blog achieves even half of what I really would like it to achieve, then it will make me rather happy.

In the meantime, if you’d like to find out more about me and where I’m coming from, then please click the About Me tab. It isn’t a big-headed paragraph, I promise!